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Stay Safe Online: The Hidden Dangers of Blogging and Commenting

Updated: Jun 21

In today’s digital age, reading blogs, leaving comments, and connecting with others is something a lot of us do to unwind and relax. While sharing personal stories, professional insights, and engaging in discussions is a great way to learn new information and meet new people, it can also pose serious security risks. 

With blogging exploding in popularity—jumping from 4 million to 8.8 million bloggers between 2003 and 2004 alone—the potential for accidentally revealing sensitive information has grown significantly. The more we share, the higher the chances of spilling details that should remain private. 

Woman sitting on floor while bloggin

Let’s explore how these activities might put you at risk and how you can protect yourself while enjoying the online world.

A Real-Life Cautionary Tale

In an example we learned about from the National Security Institute, an IT engineer at a web-based firm encountered issues with his company's network security. Seeking advice, he found a blog referencing the same problems he was experiencing, and he began discussing it in the comments.

He was looking for information to help him fix the problem; however, a hacker posing as a helpful commenter tricked him into revealing proprietary information about the company’s IT security. Despite his innocent intentions, this engineer had unintentionally given away crucial information to someone who planned to misuse it.

How to Avoid Hidden Dangers When Blogging and Commenting

To avoid these hidden dangers and protect yourself from potential security risks while blogging and commenting online, here are some friendly tips:

Keep Secrets Secret: Don’t share sensitive details about your job, like technical info, business plans, or personal data. It’s best to keep that stuff private.

Watch Out for Strangers: Be cautious when interacting with people you don’t know online. They might not be who they say they are.

Think Before You Post: Always consider what you’re sharing and the potential consequences. Once it’s online, it’s hard to take back.

Follow the Rules: If your workplace has guidelines for online sharing, stick to them. If not, you may want to suggest creating some.

Spread the Word: Educate yourself about online risks and share this knowledge with friends and colleagues. The more people are aware, the safer everyone will be.

Blogging and commenting online can be enjoyable and beneficial, but it’s important to stay aware of the potential risks. 

By understanding these dangers, being mindful of what you share, and following these simple tips, you can enjoy the benefits of online engagement while keeping your personal and professional information safe.

For more helpful tips and information, be sure to follow D3 Technologies on LinkedIn.


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